We get a look at planetary exploration on the rocky moon of Kreet, including scanning, resource collecting, and more. We also get a look at some of the game’s colonies, including the Constellation headquarters of New Atlantis. Overall, Bethesda is promising over 1000 full explorable planets. Of course, customization will be a big part of the package, with players being able to create and customize their own characters, outposts, and yes, even spaceships. Perhaps most surprising, is the action, which is surprisingly intense looking. Starfield is more than just some laid back riff on Star Trek. But hey, enough of my preamble, check out the new Starfield footage for yourself, below.

It really looks like Bethesda is really going the extra step to make the most full-fledged sci-fi RPG possible. I’m ready to take off to the stars! Here’s Bethesda’s official description for Starfield: Starfield launches on PC and Xbox Series X/S in the first half of 2023.

Starfield Shows First Exploration and Combat Footage  Game Offers 1000 Explorable Planets - 18Starfield Shows First Exploration and Combat Footage  Game Offers 1000 Explorable Planets - 16Starfield Shows First Exploration and Combat Footage  Game Offers 1000 Explorable Planets - 44Starfield Shows First Exploration and Combat Footage  Game Offers 1000 Explorable Planets - 70